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The Paranormal Link (Book 3)


Ch. 1 Relentless Beast


    Maybe we were part of “their clan.” According to Mr. Hill, this was possible due to our unpleasant interactions with the creatures. If so, I thought it was definitely the unwelcome part.
    He also suspected the beasts would not even try hiding from us anymore. I could only imagine what he meant because they had already shown themselves a few times.
    I kept picturing opening the French door curtains and seeing a beastly face looking back. It was 
terrifying just thinking about it. I told myself, just don’t look out the French door windows at night. Problem solved. I wished all our problems were as simple, but unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.
    We had Bigfoot drinking out of our pool and trying to sneak into our house, and I thought listening to them was bad enough. Their talking, hollering, branch breaking, knocking, mimicking, and throwing things had become somewhat expected. Now, I consider those things the good old days.
    Obviously, Bigfoot trying to sneak into the house was a much bigger problem. It was horrifying, considering we didn’t know what it wanted. Was the Bigfoot looking for food, as Mr. Hill suggested, or did it want something else?

    No one knew the answer, especially us, since these creatures didn’t behave as we expected. Everything we did to keep them away had backfired. We set up cameras, shot the yard with flashlights, and brandished guns. We thought we sent a clear signal that we didn’t want them anywhere near the house. We chased them away every time they came close, and even the dogs barked at them. But apparently, it had produced the opposite
results. We acknowledged their presence and interacted with them by responding to their actions. We were giving them attention. It reminded me of an old saying, “Any attention given, whether good or bad, is still attention.”
    We were facing a new aspect of terror because of our actions. Not knowing what would 
happen next, I called Mr. Hill again. He still thought the Bigfoot was just looking for food, but as we talked, it became evident that we had another problem.
    Mr. Hill was very interested when I mentioned the strange damage we found in the house when we bought it. He asked many questions, and as I explained some of the damage we found, he kept saying, “Oh no, oh no.”
    Knowing it could only be bad news, I finally asked Mr. Hill what he thought. He said the damage reminded him of something he had read about concerning the creatures, but he would not elaborate. He would call me back after doing some research. After we hung up, I dreaded his return phone call. I didn’t tell him then, but the terrifying thought of the creatures in the house before we bought it had already crossed my mind. I just didn’t want to think about it. It was all too horrifying and the last thing I wanted to know.
    I was busy speculating why a Bigfoot would try to sneak into our house. There had to be a reason. Why didn’t it just break the door down and walk in? I tried to look at it from a logical perspective.
    The night the creature attempted to sneak into the house, it knew we were awake inside. Dean and I were just outside, taking pictures of its footprints by the swimming pool. It was probably watching us the whole time. In fact, we were all home, including our four dogs. Why would a Bigfoot want to contend with all of us for a simple meal? I couldn’t help but wonder what the creature wanted. What would have happened? Had the deadbolt been unlocked, and I stayed in the family room with Dean and the dogs?

    The Bigfoot would have quietly snuck into the house, and depending on which way it went inside, it could have easily made it to the kitchen before the dogs reacted. Our four dogs would have barely slowed the creature down. It also could have snuck upstairs if it had gone in another direction. In that case, we wouldn’t have even known it was in the house until it was too late. What were the creature’s intentions?
    Knowing that a Bigfoot could easily break through the doors and windows only added to the mystery. Until I remembered something Mr. Hill said about Bigfoot; “They feared guns. The creatures were aware of the damage a gun could do; even a grazing shot could be deadly to them due to infection.”
    If true, sneaking in from the creature’s perspective would make sense. We even recorded what could have been Bigfoot sneaking up to the house and whispering the words “Bang-bang.” Did they know what these words meant?
    Dean and the boys were armed, and Bigfoot knew this from watching us. I, too, had a loaded gun nearby after this particularly horrifying incident. Dean had given me his 357 Magnum. I had shot the Magnum before, and it was easy to operate. I kept the weapon within arm’s reach. He placed his Colt 45 in the desk drawer next to him, along with additional clips. Of course, I had hoped we would never have to use them, but having them may have prevented a catastrophic event.
    The creatures breaking the doors down or busting through the windows would definitely be their worst and last option. Although it was always an option, depending on how motivated and angry the creature could become. Since we were dealing with an army of them, I assumed it was only one or two causing all the problems. It seemed more likely than not.

Logically, we would have been dead by now if they all wanted us dead. Therefore, what were we up against? Was it beastly curiosity, anger, hunger, or retaliation? What did the creature want? Unfortunately,
despite my speculation, we didn’t have any answers. The truth is, nobody did. As Dean pointed
out, “How do you get into the mind of a creature?”

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